Friday 10 February 2012

The Solemn Words of A Martyr

I was once living in a bliss
Amidst by my loved ones
Cherished by my fellow brothers and sisters
For that I have fought,
For that I have gained,
For that I have suffered,
and For those I have forgo.
Fighting for a cause,
Swords and Sheilds in hands,
Brothers in arms,
We were then one,
As a united we fought,
and As a nation we fall,
Leading my people to gain victory,
In many fervent crusades,
On the blood-filled battlefield.

I was then still capable and forceful,
on Fighting for what I think is right.
As of now,
I am just an old man,
Lying helplessly on the aged wooden bed,
With no more spirit nor power,
To fight for my say,
Only to wait for my time to arrive.

Tears filled my eyes,
As I am only capable of observing the present,
That is now loaded with many antagonistic characters,
That they thought is right whereas it is wrong.

Through the eyes of the youth,
I should only be in fear of death,
Be in fear of what awaits me.
My dear successors,
You are wrong,
I fear more on what awaits your future,
I grieved night and day thinking that I might not be there,
To help out like I used to.

So, I bid to you,
Be prevail and fight,
Fight my fellow descendants,
Fight for your say when you are still capable on doing so,
Because when you are old and gray,
Your people would not consider your say,
I have felt the impression,
And it affected me badly.

I was bedriddened due to the cause I fought,
But did I have a sense of regret?
But instead, I am proud,
When I die, I die a martyr,
I fight for my own liberty,
So fight for yours,
Stand tall, Be gallant,
and battle for your yours,
For when you look back,
You will be grateful to those who helped as I am to to the ones that helped me.

With this,
I wish you all a farewell,
and I would like to call upon those who contributed to my success,
Thank you to my mother who had introduced me to this world,
Thank you to my father who showed me the intricacies of life,
and thank you to those experience I have gained with my fellow pals,
For those would be my greatest and fondest memories,
I am happy,
I died a martyr,
For I hope that the light of Allah would shine me the path to heaven, If he wills.

by Nur Syakirah Sulaiman

1 comment:

  1. I guess it's in the genes ; the fact that we love to write ;)
