Monday 19 March 2012


"We watched you go,
You brave children of our nation,
Those we had watched grow,
Now armed for battle,
Proudly marching row on row.

We watched you fight,
Boldly facing great perils unknown,
Through the scorching day and bitter night,
You lived and fought undaunted,
Defending tirelessly all that is good and right.

We watched you fall,
Those we had loved and do love,
You who answered freedom’s blessed call,
Rest now amongst your family,
We who are Britannia’s children one and all.

We watch you still,
Flying our flag over the sea,
United our Kingdom shall stand,
Behind that which you hold aloft,
Although you reside upon foreign land,
The spirit of the nation shall never flee,
From the side of those who fight such as thee,
To keep Britannia proud, glorious and eternally free."

Wednesday 15 February 2012

A Soldier

There is discipline in a soldier
you can see it when he walks,
There is honor in a soldier
you hear it when he talks.
There is courage in a soldier
you can see it in his eyes,
There is loyalty in a soldier
that he will not compromise.
There is something in a soldier
that makes him stand apart,
There is strength in a soldier
that beats from his heart.
A soldier isn't a title any man
can be hired to do,
A soldier is the soul of that man
buried deep inside of you.
A soldier's job isn't finished after
an 8 hour day or a 40 hour week,
A soldier is always a soldier
even while he sleeps.
A soldier serves his country first
and his life is left behind,
A soldier has to sacrifice what
comes first in a civilian's mind.
If you are civilian -
I am saying this to you.....
next time you see a soldier
remember what they do.
A soldier is the reason our land
is 'Home of the free',
A soldier is the one that is brave
protecting you and me.
If you are a soldier -
I am saying this to you.....
Thank god for every soldier
Thank god for what you do. 

- Summer Sandercox 


I stood and I watched as a mother cried, 
when she had heard that her son had died.
He didn't die because he was sick, 
or he didn't die because he was in a wreck.
He died doing what he felt was right. 

I watched a father try to hold back his tears,
His son had lived only a scant 19 years. 
His son had died nine thousand miles away,
And what was there left for a father to say? 
He got down on his knees and said a prayer,
His brave son knows his father did care. 

I stood and watched as a little girl cried. 
She didn't understand why her brother had passed on;
Why he never again played with her on the lawn. 
Looking at the little girl's tears I knew,
That her big brother died fighting for you and me.

Soldier's Ghost

I bled for you - would you for me?

I blessed a skin in blazing fuel
Then took a bullet in a duel of
‘He or I to Die.'

I often question ‘Why? '
Do you?

My country was my life to give -
Would you for country cease to live?
Sinking in a mire of death,
You have no choice -
So while you're still alive,

I cried in failure - did you care?
And as I waned, were you aware of
What I did -?
Fighting for my country while you hid
Behind your comfort back at home?
Still relaxed?
My wife and child are Fading at the tomb

Mark R Slaughter

So You Want To Be A Soldier

So you want to be a soldier
And learn those fighting moves
Be a member of a team 
In the soldier's school

So you want to be a soldier
And go far from your home,
And learn there how to be a man
As you fight and roam 

So you want to be a soldier 
And hold your buddy's hand,
As they breathe their final,
There on some mortal sand.

So you want to be a soldier 
And call the road your bed,
And never know just when or how 
You'll lay down you tired head.

So you want to be a soldier
Be buries in some plot-
Maybe far from your hometown,
After you have fought.

So you want to be a soldier
Well there's no finer choice,
Than giving so selfishly
To freedoms song, your voice.

You want to be a soldier
And you could do much worse,
And choose the cowards way to go
And walk, behind the hearse.

But your name they'll remember,
As they speak of you with awe;
And wonder at your bravery,
And wonder what you saw.

Many men will shake your hand
And thank you for their freedom,
They'll say it is a gift from god
That you are still breathing.

You'll live more than more thanj other men
And suffer much more too,
But in the end , you'll count it as 
The best thing you could do.

And the biggest thank you,
That you will ever receive, 
Is in the eyes of loved ones
When you're back home again.

So if you know an older soldier,
Please shake his hand today 
And tell him that you're grateful 
He chose the soldier's way 

-Patti Masterman

Saturday 11 February 2012

A Soldier

He is that fallen lance that lies as hurled,
That lies unlifted now, come dew, come rust,
But still lies pointed as it ploughed the dust.
If we who sight along it round the world,
See nothing worthy to have been its mark,
It is because like men we look too near,
Forgetting that as fitted to the sphere,
Our missiles always make too short an arc.
They fall, they rip the grass, they intersect
The curve of earth, and striking, break their own;
They make us cringe for metal-point on stone.
But this we know, the obstacle that checked
And tripped the body, shot the spirit on
Further than target ever showed or shone.

It Has Always Been The Soldier

It is the soldier,

not the President who gives us democracy. 
It is the soldier, 
not the Congress who takes care of us. 
It is the soldier, 
not the Reporter who has given us Freedom of Press. 
It is the soldier, 
not the Poet who has given us Freedom of Speech. 
It is the soldier, 
not the campus Organizer who has given us the 
Freedom to Demonstrate. 
It is the soldier, 
who salutes the flag; 
who serves beneath the flag, 
and whose coffin is draped by the flag, 
that allows the protester to burn the flag.

(Father Dennis O'Brien, US Marine Corp. Chaplain)