Monday 19 March 2012


"We watched you go,
You brave children of our nation,
Those we had watched grow,
Now armed for battle,
Proudly marching row on row.

We watched you fight,
Boldly facing great perils unknown,
Through the scorching day and bitter night,
You lived and fought undaunted,
Defending tirelessly all that is good and right.

We watched you fall,
Those we had loved and do love,
You who answered freedom’s blessed call,
Rest now amongst your family,
We who are Britannia’s children one and all.

We watch you still,
Flying our flag over the sea,
United our Kingdom shall stand,
Behind that which you hold aloft,
Although you reside upon foreign land,
The spirit of the nation shall never flee,
From the side of those who fight such as thee,
To keep Britannia proud, glorious and eternally free."